Monday, January 09, 2006

How To Build a Cheap, Simple Windscreen/Zeppelin For Small Diaphragm Condenser Microphones

If you’ve ever used a condenser microphone outdoors or in an environment where air is moving, you know that some sort of windscreen is essential for reducing those low frequency blasts. Foam pop filters are useless in these situations because they don’t create an “air gap” between the filter material and the microphone element. Foam filters also degrade the frequency response of the microphone. Creating that “air gap” simply disperses the air before it can hit the element. This can be done with a material that is lightweight, yet audibly invisible. Commercially manufactured zeppelins are very expensive and these do-it-yourself ones work very well.

This screen works extremely well at reducing wind noise on microphones with a ¾” body diameter such as a Shure SM-81, Oktava MC-012, Audio Technica AT4041, AT4051, Neumann KM-183, KM-184, KM-185 and many others.


1 - 3” diameter plastic craft form. Available at Walmart and craft stores for about $.50.

2 - 7/8” or 15/16" rubber “O” rings. Available at NAPA Auto.

1 - Women’s thick “knee high” stocking. Available at Walmart.

Let’s get started…..

Step 1: Cut a 3/4" hole in one half of one of the plastic forms.

Step 2: Slide a rubber "O" ring onto the microphone body and up against the head.

Step 3: Place the microphone body into the plastic form.

Step 4: Slide another "O" ring up against the plastic form.

Step 5: Snap on the other half of the plastic form.

Step 6: Adding heavy "knee high" stocking material is optional for adding more reduction. You can even double up this material without any degradation in frequency response.

© 2006 Greg Youngman Music